This is my sandbox....
I present to you my best posts, hope to trigger your inspiration!
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J.B. van Doesburg
Me, lecturer at HR
J.B. van Doesburg
To control the life stock, local government has the responsibility to control the size of the herds that are grazing our national nature reserves. The preferred solution of our policymakers is to issue hunting permits. This will eventually result in a reduction of the life stock as well as provide income to the local government. The income of course only balances costs made by the government to provide the service (for hunting).
An alternative solution however does exist. This more animal friendly and more sustainable solution is realized when birth control is exercised. Hunters in employment of the government now must capture the buck of the herd (primal mail deer). Then a vet will perform a castration on a single deer resulting in birth control of the complete herd! A solution that prevents deer gestation in up to 20 deer that make up the herd. This solution does require some investment of the taxpayer's money; but do we not all want to go back to nature?
Using System Dynamic modelling an analytical tool has been created to investigate the effectiveness of both solutions. The image above shows the System Dynamics Model with stocks, flows and data lines. One of the many resulting graphs generated is presented below. Using the model, it can be shown that in a 50-year period life stock indeed can be controlled by either killing or by the more animal friendly principle of medical intervention.
Me, entrepreneur
TopBob Engineering
J.B. van Doesburg
All parts of this ball bearing where printed on a Prusa i3 MK3S-MMU2 3D printer using PLA.
Tower structure support beam with sheave support and tower stubs. Concept plate girder support beam design. Shown are acting von Mises combined stresses on a deformed structure.
This lattice tower was designed and built by the company of Gustave Eiffel in 1887. The tower is 330m tall and has a square base measuring 125m on each side. The design of the Eiffel Tower is attributed to Maurice Koechlin and Émile Nouguier, two senior engineers working for the Compagnie des Établissements Eiffel.
Preferred POWER numbers; use them anywhere:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,
144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765,
10946 (109.46), 17711 (177.11), 28657 (286.57), 46368 (463.68), 75025 (750.25),
121393 (121.393), 196418 (196.418), 317811 (317.811), 514229 (514.229), 832040 (832.04),
1346269 (134.6269), 2178309 (217.8309), 3524578 (352.4578), 5702887 (570.2887), 9227465 (922.7465), ...
Storage tanks are built up from stiffened wall panels. During hull fabrication the tank is lifted into place.
Engineering a platform on top of the wave deflector. Deck area is a scarce commodity on an offshore platform, all possible space must be used! Can a suitable design be engineered?
E.Rossini, A.Lupatelli, J.Peels, "Wat wil ik later worden", Presse Bureau Junior & Zuid-Hollandse Uitgeverij, 1971.
Build anything!
...favourite toy....