J.B. van Doesburg

Engineer, Lecturer, Creator


This is my sandbox....

I present to you my best posts, hope to trigger your inspiration!
Want more, want to discuss? ....then let's meet!

J.B. van Doesburg

J.B.v.Doesburg Lecturer

Me, lecturer at HR

J.B. van Doesburg

Investigations into wild deer stock control using System Dynamics Modelling

System Dynamics Model Wild Deer Stock Control.

To control the life stock, local government has the responsibility to control the size of the herds that are grazing our national nature reserves. The preferred solution of our policymakers is to issue hunting permits. This will eventually result in a reduction of the life stock as well as provide income to the local government. The income of course only balances costs made by the government to provide the service (for hunting).

An alternative solution however does exist. This more animal friendly and more sustainable solution is realized when birth control is exercised. Hunters in employment of the government now must capture the buck of the herd (primal mail deer). Then a vet will perform a castration on a single deer resulting in birth control of the complete herd! A solution that prevents deer gestation in up to 20 deer that make up the herd. This solution does require some investment of the taxpayer's money; but do we not all want to go back to nature?

Using System Dynamic modelling an analytical tool has been created to investigate the effectiveness of both solutions. The image above shows the System Dynamics Model with stocks, flows and data lines. One of the many resulting graphs generated is presented below. Using the model, it can be shown that in a 50-year period life stock indeed can be controlled by either killing or by the more animal friendly principle of medical intervention.

System Dynamics Wild Deer Stock Control

J.B.v.Doesburg Entrepreneur

Me, entrepreneur
TopBob Engineering

J.B. van Doesburg

3D printed ball bearing

All parts of this ball bearing where printed on a Prusa i3 MK3S-MMU2 3D printer using PLA.

FEMAP calculation result

Tower structure support beam with sheave support and tower stubs. Concept plate girder support beam design. Shown are acting von Mises combined stresses on a deformed structure.

Eiffel Tower - no FEM,
fully calculated by hand!

This lattice tower was designed and built by the company of Gustave Eiffel in 1887. The tower is 330m tall and has a square base measuring 125m on each side. The design of the Eiffel Tower is attributed to Maurice Koechlin and Émile Nouguier, two senior engineers working for the Compagnie des Établissements Eiffel.

Fibonacci numbers
Fibonacci !

Preferred POWER numbers; use them anywhere:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,
144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765,
10946 (109.46), 17711 (177.11), 28657 (286.57), 46368 (463.68), 75025 (750.25),
121393 (121.393), 196418 (196.418), 317811 (317.811), 514229 (514.229), 832040 (832.04),
1346269 (134.6269), 2178309 (217.8309), 3524578 (352.4578), 5702887 (570.2887), 9227465 (922.7465), ...

Think Outside the Box


Building a hull tank from stiffened wall panels

Tank Engineering and Design

Storage tanks are built up from stiffened wall panels. During hull fabrication the tank is lifted into place.

Sakhalin Molipaq Module on wave deflector


Engineering a platform on top of the wave deflector. Deck area is a scarce commodity on an offshore platform, all possible space must be used! Can a suitable design be engineered?

my first Lead Engineer Project - Unmanned North Sea platform(s)

Unmanned offshore platform - old design


The old design . . ..
  • is a complex design
  • has excessive installation time
  • has inefficient use of deck space
  • has braces blocking access

Design premise:
Please provide me with an improved design…..simple , compact, quick installation…

Renewable Power Pack Offshore
On an unmanned platform, running a gas turbine 24-7 will not be an option!
To keep a turbine operational would require daily platform visits; that is impossible.

Therefore, on client request, platforms MUST be powered using wind and solar battery power units!


Design solution:
  • Pile-Monopile GROUTING
  • Monopile-Platform GROUTING
  • Cantilever deck structure
  • Deck layout suits equipment plan
  • Main braces only

Engineering and Design:
A generic design was created suitable to be copied many times on client conditions. In total approximately 6 to 10 platforms with their own particulars have been derived from the generic platform design. All have been installed and are today operational in the North Sea.
Unmanned North Sea Monopile Platform - Improved Design - JB v Doesburg
Location data well


Client provides the location.

L09-A and L09-B Unmanned Monopile platform field locations


Gathering environmental data; wind, wave, current, water depth, seabed characteristics.

Unmanned North Sea monopile plan - JB v Doesburg


Presenting the plan to the client, issuing the Basis of Design.

FEM beam model Monopile platform - JB v Doesburg


Platform design
Design of the platform is based on engineering calculations. Conditions considered are: operational-inplace, operational-extreme, SPMT yard transport, harbour lift, offshore barge transport, offshore lift.

Design platform lift point with padeye detail - JB v Doesburg


Detailed design
Selecting the most suitable materials with protective shielding. Establish in detail all dimensions of components; eye design, beam connection details, diamond plate details, grouted connection detail, corrugated wall design, gusset plate design, deck plate design.

FEM analysis platform joint with diamond plate connection - JB v Doesburg


Specialized design diamond plate connection detail. Calculation tools used are validated by advanced FEM simulations.
The diamond plate connection; the key design feature that is making this platform a "price winner"!

Realisation platform lift point - JB v Doesburg


Building deck structure
First each deck is constructed, only then they will be built into a multi-level platform.

Shelter for Unmanned North Sea monopile platform - JB v Doesburg


Building equipment shelter
All equipment will be housed in the equipment shelter; a semi-open structure providing shelter from waves, splash water, wind, and rain. The shelter is first constructed and will then be lifted on the platform for installation.

Platform in topside workshop - JB v Doesburg


Stacking decks
The allow all year fabrication the topside is fully assembled inside the topside workshop. In the design the workshop crane reach and elevation were used as design parameters. Design for fabrication!

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform detail - JB v Doesburg


Stacking decks - Diamond Plates
Connection of the diamond plates to the central pile transition piece. Connecting beams to the diamond plates.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform Column installation - JB v Doesburg


Stacking decks - Columns 
Connecting the columns to the deck. A temporary bracket is used to obtain alignment during the welding process.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform Brace installation - JB v Doesburg


Stacking decks - Braces
Connecting braces to the upper deck. Note: increased performance of the joints is created by increasing the flange width and extending the brace tubular through to the upper flange of the deck beam.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform Electrical Cabinet - JB v Doesburg


Self-supporting equipment frames
Electrical cabinets ready for installation. All cabinets have self-supporting frames. Using a dedicated rail, the frames will be anchored to the shelter wall. That is building according to the Modular Concept!

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform Placement Electrical Cabinets - JB v Doesburg


Equipment placement
All fully wired electrical cabinets are installed as units.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform Grouted connection seals - JB v Doesburg


Grout seals and plates are temporarily stowed on the platform deck ready to be installed at the offshore installation site.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform Workshop Drive Out - JB v Doesburg


Drive out
Workshop Drive Out of the fully built and equipped topside. All systems have successfully undergone their approval procedures.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform SPMT transport - JB v Doesburg


Yard transport
Self-Propelled Modular Transport (SPMT) for yard transport.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform Harbour lift - JB v Doesburg


Harbour lift operations
Lift from the SPMT to temporary support columns or lift directly to the barge.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform Harbour Lift - JB v Doesburg


Harbour lift operations
Transport from quay to barge.... using a single crane for all yard and harbour lift operations (well designed!).

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform Barge Transport  - JB v Doesburg


Barge positioning
Positioning of the barge using 4 tugs. Note: two topsides with two piles and two monopiles are made ready for offshore transport.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform Offshore Transport - JB v Doesburg


Transport to offshore location
Barge transport from harbour to offshore location.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform Offshore Installation - JB v Doesburg


Delivery at offshore location.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform Offshore Installation - JB v Doesburg


Hammering of seabed pile.
Note: hammering, monopile and platform installation is performed in a single day! As per design brief reduced offshore installation time.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform Offshore Installation - JB v Doesburg


Installation of Monopile.
Lower monopile in hammered seabed pile, add grout, wait and ... FIXED, job ready!

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform Offshore Installation - JB v Doesburg


Offshore topside installation lift.
Lift topside on monopile, add grout, wait and ... FIXED, job ready within 1 day!

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform Drilling - JB v Doesburg


A jack-up drilling platform performing well drilling operations. The top deck has been designed using removable deck grating to provide access from above to the top of the monopile.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform Pipelay - JB v Doesburg


Installation of the export lines.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform Rock dumping - JB v Doesburg


Rock dumping
A scour protection needs to be installed at the base of the monopile.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform - JB v Doesburg


Final installation

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform - JB v Doesburg


Turnkey delivery

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform - JB v Doesburg


Ready to be put into use.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform in operation - JB v Doesburg


Abandoned platform
Unexpected severe weather conditions were met during installation operations. After lashing down all loose parts, the platform was temporarily abandoned.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform in operation - JB v Doesburg


Design does meet the requirements.
The platform is of course designed to withstand these conditions.

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform in operation - JB v Doesburg


Proof of eligibility!

Unmanned North Sea monopile platform in operation - JB v Doesburg


Flyby photoshoot


...where it all started...
Wat wil ik later worden Book cover
Wat wil ik later worden mijn inspiratie Engineer-varken
Wat wil ik later worden mijn inspiratie Engineer-varken
Wat wil ik later worden mijn inspiratie Engineer-varken

E.Rossini, A.Lupatelli, J.Peels, "Wat wil ik later worden", Presse Bureau Junior & Zuid-Hollandse Uitgeverij, 1971.

Lego JB v Doesburg


Build anything!

Temsi Meccano JB v Doesburg

Meccano - Temsi

...favourite toy....



J.B. v. Doesburg is co-author of this scientific article.

"Assessment of different technologies for vertical hydraulic transport in deep-sea mining operations”
This paper was published for the Proceedings of the OMAE2012 - the 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, held on July 1-6, 2012 in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.
Publication date:


Successful mining of deep-sea deposits strongly depends on the proper choice of the right equipment. The most probable concept for a deep-sea mining system would consist of the three major sub-components: Seafloor Mining Tool, Vertical Transport System and Mining Support Vessel. In this paper, emphasis is placed on the Vertical Transport System. We analyze the pros and cons of the different concepts such as hydraulic transport using centrifugal or positive-displacement slurry pumps, conventional and unconventional airlift systems, vertical offshore mining systems and vortex slurry transportation systems. All these systems are considered for their applicability at different water depths (from the relatively shallow to the relatively deep) for the different types of materials (from the relatively fine to the relatively coarse) and various production rates in terms of the efficiency, reliability and state of the art of technology.

Small Page From OMAE paper 1

Small Page From OMAE paper 2


J.B. v. Doesburg is listed as inventor on a patent assigned to IHC Holland.

"Tailing deposit tool"
J.B. (Bob) van Doesburg M.Sc.

Claims (summary):

Means to spread the non-valuable slurry from a deep-sea mining operation back to the seabed in a controlled manner.

Patent - WO 2015/005785 A2 - J.B. v. Doesburg


J.B. v. Doesburg is listed as inventor on a patent assigned to IHC Holland.

"Riser Flow Control"
J.B. (Bob) van Doesburg M.Sc.

Claims (summary):

Means to prevent gas formation, for example during deep-sea mining of gas hydrates, in the production and return riser by controlling the riser system pressure by the application of flow restrictors, systems of bends, controlled or non-controlled turbines or pumps in the return riser.

Patent - WO 2015/005785 A1 - J.B. v. Doesburg

Winning design competition (x2) organized by employer

Winning IdeaBuzz Competition 2012 - J.B.v.Doesburg

Winning IdeaBuzz Competition 2013 - J.B.v.Doesburg


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Hometown: Dordrecht, The Netherlands

To The Top

Copyright J.B. van Doesburg. All rights reserved. Website updated April 2023.